How to Build Ionic App for Ios on Mac

To build an Ionic app for iOS on a Mac, you need to have Xcode, Node.js and Ionic CLI installed on your device. Once installed, use the Terminal to create an Ionic project, add iOS as a platform and build the app using the Xcode command line tools.

If you’re looking to build a high-quality app that runs smoothly on iOS devices, you need to learn how to build an Ionic app for iOS on a Mac. This process involves setting up your development environment, including installing Xcode, Node.

js and Ionic CLI. Once your environment is set up, you can create a new Ionic project using the Terminal and add iOS as a platform. Then you can use the Xcode command line tools to build your app and test it on a simulator or a physical device. By following these steps, you can create a powerful, native-like app for iOS that meets all of your requirements.

Install Xcode

Building an Ionic App for iOS on a Mac requires Xcode. You can easily download Xcode from the App Store. Once downloaded, open Xcode and accept the license agreement. After accepting the agreement, install Command Line Tools for Xcode. This can be done by opening the Terminal app and typing xcode-select --install. This will prompt a pop-up for installation, click Install and follow the instructions. Once the installation is complete, you are ready to build your Ionic App for iOS on your Mac.

Install Node.js And Npm

To build Ionic app for IOS on Mac, you need to install Node.js and npm. These two are essential to create and manage dependencies of your app. First, you need to download Node.js from its official website and follow the installation instructions. Once it’s installed, you will have npm, which is Node.js package manager, also installed. Lastly, open your terminal and type node -v and npm -v to verify that Node.js and npm are correctly installed. With these two, you can now proceed with the other steps to build your Ionic app.

Install Ionic And Cordova

To build an Ionic app for iOS on Mac, you need to install Ionic and Cordova first. Ionic is a framework that helps create hybrid mobile apps for different platforms while Cordova enables access to native device features. Follow the installation process to get started.

To build an Ionic app for iOS on a Mac, make sure to install the latest version of Ionic and Cordova. Verify the installation by checking the version numbers in the Terminal using the commands “ionic -v” and “cordova -v”. If you do not have them installed, use the following commands to install both: “npm install -g ionic” and “npm install -g cordova”. Once installed, you can create a new Ionic project using “ionic start myApp”. To add the iOS platform, navigate to the project directory and run “ionic cordova platform add ios”. With these steps, you should be ready to start building your Ionic app for iOS on your Mac.
How to Build Ionic App for Ios on Mac


Configure Xcode

To build and test Ionic apps on Mac, Xcode is a must-have tool. Before configuring Xcode, make sure you have Xcode installed on your Mac. After that, follow the below steps to configure Xcode:

Create A New Project In Xcode

Launch Xcode and choose “Create a new Xcode project” and select “Application” under the “iOS” heading. Choose the type of application you want to create and click “Next”. Enter the product name and other details and click “Next”. Choose the directory where you want to save your project and click “Create”.

Configure Project Settings

After creating a new project, select the project in the left column and then select the “General” tab. Choose the bundle identifier for your project, select the team, and set the version of the app. You can also add descriptions and other app-specific information here.

Configure Build Settings

Go to the “Build Settings” tab and configure the settings for your project. You can customize settings such as “Code Signing Identity”, “Architectures”, “Build Options”, and many more. Make sure to set these settings according to your app requirements.

Create A New Ionic Project

To create a new Ionic project on Mac, navigate to the desired directory in the terminal. Once you are in that directory, type the command ionic start followed by your project name. The command to create a new project should look something like this: ionic start myApp. After typing the command, press enter and wait for the project to be created. This may take a few minutes depending on your internet speed and the size of the project.

Once the project is created, navigate to the project directory by typing cd myApp. With the project directory open, you can then add the iOS platform to your Ionic project. To do this, use the command ionic cordova platform add ios. Once you’ve entered this command, it will take a few minutes for the platform to be added.

Command Description
ionic start myApp Creates a new Ionic project with the given name.
cd myApp Navigates to the project directory.
ionic cordova platform add ios Adds iOS platform to your Ionic project.
How to Build Ionic App for Ios on Mac


Build The Ionic App For Ios

Building an Ionic app for iOS on Mac can be a bit tricky, but with the right configuration, it can be done with ease. To start, configure the build settings for iOS, making sure to include all necessary dependencies. Next, run the command to build the app for iOS. Once the build is complete, test the app on a simulator or device to ensure it is working correctly.

Publish The App On The App Store

Creating an App Store Connect account is the first step in publishing an app on the App Store. Provide the required information on the signup form, including your legal name and contact information. If you have an Apple ID, you can use it to sign up for App Store Connect.

Next, configure the app information and assets. This includes adding a description, screenshots, and choosing a category for your app. Make sure to follow Apple’s App Store Guidelines and Human Interface Guidelines when creating your app.

Step Description
Step 1 Upload the app binary to App Store Connect via Xcode or Application Loader. Apple will review the app for approval.
Step 2 Once the app is approved, submit the app for review. Make sure all information and metadata is accurate and up-to-date.

By following these steps, you can easily publish your Ionic app on the App Store for iOS users to download and enjoy.

How to Build Ionic App for Ios on Mac


Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Build Ionic App For Ios On Mac

How Do I Make An Ionic App For Mac?

To make an Ionic app for Mac, you need to install Ionic and Cordova on your computer first. Open the Terminal on your Mac, install Node. js, and run commands to install Ionic and Cordova. Once installed, create a new Ionic project, add platforms with Cordova, and start building your app using Angular, HTML, and CSS.

Finally, run the app on the Mac by using the Ionic serve command.

How To Build Ios App In Mac?

To build iOS apps on a Mac, you need to have Xcode installed which is a free IDE provided by Apple. Once you have installed Xcode, you can either start a new project or open an existing one. Choose the right templates to create an iPhone or iPad app.

Configure your app, add functionalities, and access the iOS developer library until your app is ready to be tested and published.

How Do I Deploy An Ionic App To Ios?

To deploy an Ionic app on iOS, you will need to have an Apple Developer account and use Xcode. After creating certificates and provisioning profiles, you can build the app with the Ionic CLI and then open it in Xcode to test and deploy to your iOS device or submit to the App Store.

Which Command Is Used To Build An Ionic App For Ios Using Capacitor?

To build an Ionic app for iOS using Capacitor, use the following command: “ionic build –prod –platform=ios”.


Building an Ionic app for iOS on Mac might sound challenging, but with the right approach, it can be a smooth and rewarding process. From installing Xcode to managing dependencies, we have covered all necessary steps to help developers create amazing apps that meet their users’ needs.

Whether you are an experienced developer or just starting, Ionic offers a powerful platform that can help you deploy stunning mobile apps with ease. Follow these steps, and you’ll be on your way to building an amazing iOS app that will stand out in the marketplace.

Happy coding!