How to Add Splash Screen in Ios React Native

To add a splash screen in iOS React Native, install and link the react-native-splash-screen library and configure it in AppDelegate.m file. A splash screen is an effective way to showcase your app’s branding and create a good first impression on users.

It is a static image or animation shown when an app launches and hides the app’s launch process from the user, providing them with a seamless experience. Adding a splash screen in iOS React Native involves a bit of configuration, but it’s a worthwhile addition to any app.

We’ll go over the necessary steps to add a splash screen in iOS React Native.

How to Add Splash Screen in Ios React Native


Steps To Add Splash Screen In Ios React Native

To add a splash screen to your iOS React Native app, follow these steps:

Install Required Dependencies:

  • Install the React Native SplashScreen module using npm.
  • Install Xcode on your macOS machine.

Create Launch Screen Files:

  • Launch Xcode and click on ‘New Project’ to create a new iOS project.
  • Choose ‘Launch Screen’ under the ‘iOS’ category and customize the design.

Configure Launch Screen Files:

  • Once the design is complete, save it and close the storyboard editor.
  • Configure the launch screen in the ‘General’ tab of your Xcode project’s settings.
  • Under ‘App Icons and Launch Images’, choose the storyboard file you just created as the ‘Launch Screen File’.

Update App Configuration File:

  • Edit your iOS app’s configuration file to add the SplashScreenManager package to your list of imports.
  • Update the package with the name of your launch screen file.

Test the Splash Screen:

  • Build and run your app in Xcode’s iOS Simulator or on a real device.
  • Your splash screen will show up before your app’s main screen.

Debugging Tips:

  • If your splash screen isn’t appearing, check that your launch screen file is added to your project’s ‘Copy Bundle Resources’.
  • Double-check that your splash screen file is named correctly in your app configuration file.
How to Add Splash Screen in Ios React Native


Best Practices For Adding A Splash Screen

A splash screen is the first thing a user sees when they open an app. It sets the tone for the user experience. It’s important to keep it simple so it doesn’t distract users from the main content of your app. Consistent design elements, such as color scheme and font, are crucial for building a recognizable brand image. Also, make sure your splash screen is relevant to your app’s functionality.

Optimizing image size and quality is critical for faster loading times. However, it’s important not to compromise the quality of the image. High-quality images are essential for a great user experience. Also, keeping the loading time to a minimum is important to not frustrate users with long wait times.

How to Add Splash Screen in Ios React Native


Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Add Splash Screen In Ios React Native

How Do I Set Splash Screen In Ios React Native?

To set a splash screen in iOS React Native, you need to install the “react-native-splash-screen” library. After installation, import and configure it in the “AppDelegate. m” file. Then design your own custom splash screen and add it to the project.

Finally, use app launch methods to display the splash screen until your app loads fully.

How Do I Add A Splash Screen To Ios?

To add a splash screen to iOS, follow these steps: 1. Create an image in the correct size for the device. 2. Name the image as “Default. png” for iOS versions earlier than 8. 0 or as “LaunchImage. png” for iOS 8.

0 and later. 3. Add the image to the project file under “Launch Images”. 4. Set the image as the splash screen in the app’s settings. 5. Test the app on various devices to ensure the splash screen displays correctly.

How Do I Add A Splash Screen In React Native Without Library?

To add a splash screen in React Native without using a library, you can create a new component with an image or animation that displays for a certain amount of time when the app starts up. Then, in your main app component, you can render the splash screen component before switching to your main app screen.

Use the onLoad event of the image to trigger the switch.

How Do I Create A Splash Screen In React Js?

To create a splash screen in React JS, you first need to install the “react-native-splash-screen” package and link it to your project. After installation, import the package and use the “SplashScreen. show()” method in your “index. js” file. Then, add your splash screen image to the “drawable” folder.

Finally, configure the “LaunchScreen. storyboard” file in your iOS project and adjust the “SplashScreen” style in your Android project.


Adding a splash screen in iOS React Native is easy when you follow the right steps. In this post, we have outlined the process in detail, from creating your own custom splash screen to adding it to your app. By using the tips and resources we have provided, you can create an engaging and polished app startup experience for your users.

With the right splash screen, your app can leave a lasting impression and create a positive first impression for your users. Happy coding!