How Do I Turn off My Android Phone Without Touching the Screen

To turn off your Android phone without touching the screen, hold down the power button until your device shuts down. Now, onto the Smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives, connecting us to the world at large.

With quicker, more advanced technology, we’ve come to rely on them more and more. But what do you do when your phone has a frozen screen or a non-responsive touchpad? Panic, or just wait for the battery to go dead?

Fear not, as there is actually a quick and simple solution. We’ll show you how to turn off your Android phone without having to touch the screen. This could be a life-saver in certain situations, especially for those with disabilities or limited mobility. So, without further ado, let’s dive right in!

Using The Power Button Combo

A power button combo is a combination of buttons that can be pressed to perform a specific task on an Android phone. In this case, using a power button combo allows you to turn off your phone without touching the screen.

To perform this action, press and hold the power button and volume down button simultaneously for 10 seconds. The phone will vibrate and you will see the power off screen. Simply swipe the screen to turn off your device.

This method is helpful if your screen is unresponsive or broken, making it impossible to turn off your phone using the touchscreen option. Using the power button combo ensures that you can still power off your device whenever you need to.

How Do I Turn off My Android Phone Without Touching the Screen


Using Voice Commands

Voice commands make it easy to control your Android phone without touching the screen. To turn off your Android phone using voice commands, simply say, “OK Google, turn off my phone. ” It’s that easy!

Using voice commands to turn off your phone
To turn off your Android device using voice commands, you will first need to set up the voice recognition feature. This can be done by going to “Settings,” then “Accessibility,” and selecting “Voice Access.” From there, you can select “Settings” and then “OK Google detection.”
Next, you will need to train the voice recognition feature to recognize your voice. This can be done by clicking on “Voice model” and following the on-screen instructions.
Once you’ve set up voice recognition, you can turn off your device by saying “OK Google” and then “Power off.” This will bring up a screen that allows you to confirm that you want to turn off your device.

Using A Third-party App

If you’re having trouble turning off your Android phone without touching the screen, you might want to consider using a third-party app. These apps allow you to turn off your phone with just a few clicks, making it easier than ever to power down your device.

Introduction to third-party apps:

There are many third-party apps available that will help you to turn off your phone without touching the screen. These apps are easy to use and can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. Some of the top apps for turning off your phone include “Button Savior,” “Gravity Screen,” and “Power Button to Volume Button.”

Step by step guide:

Step 1:Go to the Google Play Store and search for the app “Button Savior,” “Gravity Screen,” or “Power Button to Volume Button.”
Step 2:Download and install the app on your phone.
Step 3:Open the app and follow the prompts to set it up.
Step 4:Once the app is set up, use the features to turn off your phone without touching the screen.
Step 5:Enjoy the convenience of being able to turn off your phone without touching the screen!
How Do I Turn off My Android Phone Without Touching the Screen


How Do I Turn off My Android Phone Without Touching the Screen



Turning off your Android phone without touching the screen might seem daunting, but as we have seen, it’s an effortless and straightforward process. By using voice commands, certain buttons, or external devices, you can turn off your phone with ease.

Remember, whatever technique you choose, ensure it’s safe and secure for your device. With these methods, you don’t have to stress yourself trying to shut down your phone with a broken screen or faulty touchpad. Just choose the most convenient method for you, and it’s goodbye for now to your phone.