How Do I Transfer Whatsapp Chats from Android to Iphone Using Google Drive

To transfer WhatsApp chats from Android to iPhone using Google Drive, you need to follow a few steps. First, backup your chats on Google Drive from your Android device.

Then, restore the chats on your iPhone from the same Google Drive account. Transferring WhatsApp data from Android to iPhone can be a daunting task. However, with the right steps and tools, it can be a breeze. We’ll guide you through the process of transferring WhatsApp chats from an Android device to an iPhone using Google Drive.

While there is no direct way to do so, we’ll show you how to use a third-party app to transfer your chats seamlessly. Read on to find out more.

How Do I Transfer Whatsapp Chats from Android to Iphone Using Google Drive


Step 1: Backup Whatsapp Chats On Android

To transfer your Whatsapp chats from your Android to iPhone using Google Drive, you need to start by creating a backup of your chats on your Android device. Here’s how:

  • Open Whatsapp
  • Go to Settings
  • Tap Chats
  • Tap Chat Backup
  • Back Up Now

By backing up your chats, you ensure that all your messages, photos, videos, and other media are saved on your Google Drive. Once the backup is created, you can easily transfer your chats to your iPhone.

How Do I Transfer Whatsapp Chats from Android to Iphone Using Google Drive


Step 2: Download And Install Whatsapp On Iphone

To transfer Whatsapp chats from Android to iPhone using Google Drive, follow Step 2 – Download and Install Whatsapp on iPhone. Firstly, open the App Store on your iPhone. Search for and download the Whatsapp application. Once downloaded, open the application and agree to the Terms and Conditions. Next, verify your phone number with the verification code that you’ll receive via SMS. This will confirm your ownership of the phone number and the app will be ready to use with your previously transferred Whatsapp chats.

Step 3: Restore Whatsapp Backup From Google Drive On Iphone

To transfer Whatsapp chats from Android to iPhone using Google Drive, you need to restore your backup from Google Drive. This can be done easily by following a few simple steps, including downloading a third-party app and linking your Google account to your iPhone.

To restore your Whatsapp chat history on your iPhone, follow these simple steps. Firstly, tap on the “Restore” button once you have installed WhatsApp on your iPhone. Next, you will be asked to enter your Google account details to access Google Drive. Then select the Google Drive backup option containing your WhatsApp chats. Finally, tap on “Restore” to start the process. Once the backup is restored, you can access all your WhatsApp chats on your iPhone. It’s as easy as that!

Limitations Of Using Google Drive To Transfer Whatsapp Chats

Transferring WhatsApp chats from one device to another is made easy with Google Drive. However, there are several limitations to its usage. When transferring to an iPhone, it is important to note that only chats can be transferred, not media files. In addition, the iPhone must be logged in to the same Apple ID used on the old device. On the other hand, when transferring to an Android device, it is necessary to have the same Google account logged in on both devices. Furthermore, media files may also be transferred in this case. As for Google Drive, there is a limit to the amount of space one can use, so it is important to have enough space available before transferring.

iOS Limitations Android Limitations Google Drive Limitations
Only chats can be transferred, not media files. The iPhone must be logged in to the same Apple ID used on the old device. The same Google account must be logged in on both devices and media files may be transferred. There is a limit to the amount of space that can be used.

Alternative Methods To Transfer Whatsapp Chats From Android To Iphone

Transferring WhatsApp chats between Android and iPhone can be a daunting task; however, Google Drive makes it a tad bit easier. Along with Google Drive, there are additional methods to transfer WhatsApp chats that you can try out. One of them is the email chat feature, which allows you to email your chat history as a .txt file. Another option is to make use of third-party software such as Backuptrans to transfer your WhatsApp data seamlessly. However, it’s essential to note that the use of these methods has both advantages and disadvantages, and it all depends on your personal preference and data security. Ensure you follow the step-by-step guide or use reliable software to initiate the transfer process to avoid losing any vital information.

Advantages Disadvantages
Google Drive automatically backs up chats. Transferring data using a third-party app can be risky
Email chat feature allows the user to save a copy on an email address. Data loss during transfer process if not done right
How Do I Transfer Whatsapp Chats from Android to Iphone Using Google Drive



Transferring WhatsApp chats from Android to iPhone using Google Drive may seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually quite simple. By following these steps and ensuring that both devices have the latest version of WhatsApp installed, you can successfully transfer your chats and continue your conversations seamlessly on your new device.

Don’t let device changes hinder your communication; use this simple technique to transfer your WhatsApp chats effortlessly.